Friday, 16 November 2007

Vista vs. Linux Desktop

Some days have passed and I really haven't got much time to write stuff here.

Today I just want to tell you about a little (and I'm being ironic of course) topic that much people seem to talk about these days.
Almost a year has passed since Vista was released and from that day I haven't heard much good opinions about it. The most common aspect people seem to point out is that Vista just takes a lot of resources. Even in my machine which is a dual core running at 1.83Ghz and 2Gb of RAM Vista seems to run not as fast and fluid as XP. Some of my friends even changed back from Vista to XP.
And they do this because not only it runs slower but the changes Vista brought aren't enough to make worth the low performance.
So comparisons started to apear between Vista and some Linux desktops.
I spotted two articles on the net that I thought are interesting about this:

Vista vs. Linux Dektop
Vista: They took five years for this?

I don't think these articles are just trying to say bad things about Vista, I think they show you what's wrong and some solutions that some Linux desktops present.

Although these comparisons are most about performance I think too that in terms of presentation and desktop effects, the common Linux distribution beats Vista.
In some distributions like Ubuntu those effects are available right out of the box!
I'll try to make a nice video showing off these effects to use in my next post!

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