Friday 21 December 2007

I'm still alive


Well, for those of you who think this will be an open source related post you're wrong. Actually this post doesn’t have anything to do with technology. It's more of a personal post.
Like you might notice, this blog has suffered from a lack of actualization. In a try of excusing myself... this has been due to my university works. But now since I'm on vacation and I "only" have to revise for the exams I'll try to bring you more content.

To say the truth, I've actually not used Linux too much in the last month. All my works have to be made using Microsoft technology. And although I know the existence of the open implementation of the .NET (CLR/CLI), the MONO, I haven't had time to check it out (hmm... nice ideas to upcoming posts!)

To finish (because I know this talk is boring) I just want to give you all my appreciation. Many people from many places have visited the blog. And I had some nice comments and subscriptions on my YouTube videos.

Enough of this.
See you soon!